City Calendar

Five Wounds Urban Village Plan Community Meeting

Proposed project: (Five Wounds Urban Village Plan) Generally bounded by King Road
to the east, Lower Silver Creek to the north, Coyote Creek to the west, and East San Fernando Street, East William Court, and East San Antonio Street to the south.

Project Description: The Five Wounds Urban Village Plan Update (project) would create a new “Five Wounds Urban Village” Plan that would govern land use and transportation development in the area through 2040. The project would incorporate the existing urban villages located in the project area (Five Wounds Urban Village, Roosevelt Park Urban Village, Little Portugal Urban Village, and the 24th and William Urban Village) into a single plan that reflects the anticipated development potential of the area following construction and operation of the future 28th Street/Little Portugal BART station (separate CEQA action and not part of this project). The existing urban village plans will be retired. The project would modify the planned job and housing capacities of the area from approximately 4,855 jobs and 2,022 housing units to 2,500 new jobs and 6,000 housing units. The decrease in job capacity and increase in housing capacity would result in a net zero change in capacity under the Envision San José 2040 General Plan (General Plan), with jobs and housing units being distributed to and from, respectively, other urban villages throughout San José.

Project Applicant: City-initiated

Meeting Purpose: To describe the proposed project, the environmental review and planning process, and obtain community input on the project and issues to be discussed in the Environmental Documents. Public input is encouraged so that the review addresses all relevant issues. 

For additional information, please visit:

For questions or comments, contact Charla Gomez, Planning Project Manager at (408) 793-5543,

For questions or comments about the scope of the EIR, contact Tina Garg, Supervising Environmental Planner at (408) 535-7895,

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