Michael: Overcoming Homelessness as an Older Adult

Michael is an older adult who experienced chronic homelessness due to numerous factors, including significant health challenges that were made worse during his time living outdoors.

Fortunately, Michael qualified to stay at the City's First Street interim housing community. While there, he worked with his HomeFirst case manager and received supportive services, including transportation to medical appointments through VTA, assistance applying for benefits programs, free clothing and meals, and mental health support. 

Thanks to the assistance he received, he was able to stabilize his life and work toward becoming self-sufficient. In August 2024, Michael received great news -- he had been accepted to move into his own apartment! HomeFirst provided him with a hygiene kit and move-in assistance. The County Office of Supportive Housing arranged transportation to his new home.

When he arrived at his new home, Michael declared “This means I am no longer homeless!”