A city-approved wye cleanout is a four inch minimum diameter pipe that connects the lateral to an open access point at the surface of the ground. The wye cleanout provides access to the sewer lateral and should be located within five feet of the sidewalk. The cleanout must sweep toward the city’s main in the street, providing access to the portion of the lateral away from the building.
Property owners of a single-family residence can install a city-approved wye cleanout themselves by first acquiring a permit from the City of San José's Building Department (408) 535-3555 where you will be provided diagrams of a wye cleanout and instructions for proper installation. Once the wye cleanout is inspected and signed off, backfilling of the excavation can be completed.
Property owners may hire a contractor to install the approved wye cleanout. Permits are required and work must be inspected at the time of installation.
The City of San José can install a city-approved wye cleanout for property owners. Call (408) 794-1900 for the current wye installation fee. City crews will install the approved cleanout and perform all necessary repairs to the lateral from the approved wye cleanout to the sanitary main. Any sidewalk, driveways, or curb and gutter concrete will be replaced by the city concrete crews at the City's expense. The City of San José is not responsible for replacement of decorative concrete removed during the installation of the approved wye cleanout or repairs to the sanitary lateral between the house and cleanout. The City of San José does not guarantee that any landscaping will survive when replanted at the completion of the project.
Owners of multi-unit residences, including duplexes, triplexes, and apartment houses, must have a license with the City of San José to install the approved wye cleanout.