City Calendar

Monroe & Forest Bikeways at Cory Neighborhood Association

An update on two projects to install bike lanes on Monroe Street and Forest Avenue will be provided by San José Department of Transportation staff. The discussion will be an item on the regular Cory Neighborhood Association meeting agenda. Project Description: (1) Monroe Street between Newhall Street & Tisch Way; and (2) Forest Avenue between Winchester Boulevard and Clarmar Way. Both street sections will be repaved during the summer and fall of 2018. In addition to removing defects in the pavement, basic or buffered bike lanes will be striped along the entire length of the projects. This will be accomplished by decreasing the width of travel lanes, removing a minimal amount of on-street parking, and on Monroe Street reducing vehicle lanes between Hedding and Forest from four to two. The projects will improve paving, calm traffic, and better accommodate different roadway users.

Time Details: Doors open at 6:30 PM

Email: Questions about the project?

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