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Wonder Wednesday: Daily Recommendations for Recreation

Take today to wonder: How does the Earth sustain us? How quickly can I learn a new language? What am I curious about?

  • Date: 04/29/2020  (all day)

The Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services will be providing recommended activities to do within the comfort of your home through the Virtual Recreation Center.

Wonder Wednesday Activities

As the world changes at an unprecedented pace, take some time to look at the world differently, and learn in a world that looks different. Here's some recommended activities:

 Link to Activities  Description
PRNS Line Dancing Join PRNS' Cypress Community Center Instructor Joyce Shannon in basic beginner level line dances. The Cupid Shuffle is commonly played at wedding receptions and other social gatherings. The dance K is For Kicks is an upbeat dance done to "Feel It Still" by Portugal.
Happy Hollow Virtual Meet & Greet Happy Hollow Park & Zoo's Zoo Educator Kendra is bringing the animal meet and greet to you at home.
STEM Project: Coin Tower "Coin Tower: Use stacked coins as an immaculate kids’ science demonstration in inertia, friction, and movement. When it comes to scientific muses, Sir Isaac Newton is definitely near the top of our list. Our favorite laws to break involve physics, movement, and motion! That’s why we came up with the Coin Tower demonstration. Using a butter knife, you’ll remove the bottom coin from an entire tower of coins. What’s the secret? Perform the project to find out!"
STEM Project: Oil & Water "Oil and water just don't mix but they do provide for some amazing hands-on science. There’s something very important about oil and water that you probably already know: oil doesn’t mix with water! That explains why oil spills on the ocean float on the surface and why throwing water on a grease fire is just going to make everything worse. Since you realize that oil and water don’t mix and never will (without some chemical help), let’s have some fun with how they repel each other."
Lulu the Baby Lioness YouTube Video  A Cosmic Kid Yoga Adventure designed specifically for kids aged 3+
Fitness Blender Youtube Channel Over 500 free workouts by length, difficulty, training type, muscles used, calorie burn and more.

 Share what you're learning and how you’re having fun at home by tagging our Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #FlattenTheCurveSJ. We appreciate your input on ways we can keep growing this page!

We all have a duty to stop the spread of coronavirus by staying at home. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe. Let's continue to build community through fun during shelter-in-place!

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