Virtual Recreation Center


Virtual Resources

For this holiday season, visit our Holiday Virtual Recreation Center blog for some festive activities.

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Virtual Field Trip Friday: Daily Recommendations for Recreation

Allow yourself to be transported away to these fun, virtual destinations!

  • Date: 05/01/2020  (all day)

The Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services will be providing recommended activities to do within the comfort of your home through the Virtual Recreation Center.

Virtual Field Trip Friday Activities

 Link to Activities  Description
Virtual Tour of Disney World Experience your favorite rides at Disney World, from the comfort of your own home
Cork & Balance Workout  From the YMCA, work on core and balance with the added support and stability of a chair (50+).
Churro Tots From Disney Parks Walt Disney World Create some Disney magic at home. See how you can make Disney Parks Walt Disney World's churro tots from home.
Workout with the Incredibles Be a superhero with an at home workout inspired by Disney's Incredibles!

Share what you're learning and how you’re having fun at home by tagging our Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #FlattenTheCurveSJ. We appreciate your input on ways we can keep growing this page!

We all have a duty to stop the spread of coronavirus by staying at home. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe. Let's continue to build community through fun during shelter-in-place!

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Care for your physical and mental health, satisfy your curiosity, engage in experiences and explore the world from home.

Share what you're learning and how you’re having fun at home by tagging our Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #FlattenTheCurveSJ. We appreciate your input on ways we can keep growing this page!

If you have any ideas on classes, activities or resources to include in the Virtual Recreation Center, fill out the Virtual Recreation Center Idea Suggestion Form.

We all have a duty to stop the spread of coronavirus by staying at home. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe. Let's continue to build community through fun during shelter-in-place! 

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