Meeting Purpose: To describe the proposed project, the environmental review and planning process, and obtain community input on the project and issues to be discussed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Public input on the scope of the EIR is encouraged so that the review addresses all relevant environmental issues. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR is available for review online in the EIR Library of the City of San Jose’s Planning Division web site:
Project Location: 2101, 2149, 2075 and 2055 Alum Rock Ave, 61 and 70 North Sunset Ave
Proposed Project:
A Conditional Use Permit is requested to allow the demolition of all existing buildings on-site for the construction of a five-story mixed-use project consisting of approximately 30,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space, up to 796 multi-family residences and an approximately 0.5-acre public park at the corner of Alum Rock Avenue and Jose Figueres Avenue on a 11.42-gross acre site. The project also includes car lifts (“alternative parking arrangement”).