Meeting Purpose: To inform the community and gather feedback on a City-initiated General Plan Text Amendment to close out the Evergreen-East Hills Development Policy (EEHDP) and transition to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy for growth control within the EEHDP area, and maintain the EEHDP visioning strategy guiding principles and applicable design guidelines. Staff will also present and discuss how transportation improvements will be implemented in the future and how Traffic Impact Fees (TIFs) will be allocated. Comments, concerns, and questions raised at this meeting will become part of the public record and will help inform City Council’s decision as it moves forward in the General Plan 4-Year Review process. Interpreter services for Spanish and Vietnamese will be provided.
Proposed project: GPT21-001
As part of the General Plan 4-Year Review, the City proposes to transition to the VMT Policy for growth control within the Evergreen-East Hills Development Policy (EEHDP) area while maintaining the EEHDP visioning strategy guiding principles and applicable design guidelines.
If you have questions regarding the project or this meeting, please contact the following people:
Jessica Setiawan Robert Rivera
(408) 535-7804 (408)888-0286