The Department of Transportation (DOT) is installing new safety improvements at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and the southbound I-680 on-ramp. These new features will better accommodate and improve safety for all walkers, rollers, bike riders, and drivers. These improvements include:
- Traffic Signal – A new traffic signal will improve street safety and flow of traffic. This also includes protection of the northbound left turn along Jackson Avenue onto the freeway ramp;
- Signalized Crosswalk – A new crosswalk across Jackson Avenue allows walkers and rollers to easily access the surrounding neighborhood. And this improves safety for walkers and rollers crossing the street; and
- Curb Extension – The right turn onto the I-680 on-ramp will be narrowed to slow vehicles entering onto the freeway. The narrowing of this traffic lane will also improve safety for walkers, rollers, and bike riders.
Join the District 5 council office and DOT at this virtual meeting to learn more about this project and share your thoughts.
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