Zoom meeting link: https://sanjoseca.zoom.us/j/97699551436
Zoom meeting phone number: +1 408 638 0968 or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 976 9955 1436
Meeting Purpose: To describe the proposed project, the environmental review and planning process, and obtain community input on the project.
Proposed Project: Site Development Permit (H24-034) and Historic Preservation Permit (HP24-001) to allow the partial demolition of City Landmark No. 74, “Herrold College” and a Structure of Merit and the total demolition of a third building for the construction of a 100% affordable 15-story mixed-use building consisting of up to 220 units, and approximately 3,320 square feet of ground floor commercial space on an approximately 0.50-gross-acre site.
For questions, contact:
Angela Wang:
angela.wang@sanjoseca.gov | (408) 535-6870
Bethelhem Telahun
Bethelhem.Telahun@sanjoseca.gov | (408) 535-5624
The Core Companies
abarger@thecorecompanies.com | 408-640-1100