Climate Smart Challenge

 Climate Smart Challenge Header image

The Climate Smart Challenge invites members of the San José community to lower their greenhouse gas emissions, save money, and engage in the fight against climate change. It’s a fun and easy way to track the steps you’re taking to reduce your carbon footprint and includes a range of actions, helpful tips and resources for you to track your financial savings and carbon emission reductions. It also provides you with an opportunity to compete with your fellow community members. Winners are eligible for special recognition and prizes!

San José Residents: Join the Climate Smart Challenge today! 

2024 Climate smart summer challenge

We are holding a Summer Challenge series, providing residents the opportunity to participate in 3 consecutive monthly challenges throughout the summer to learn about climate action, become a part of the solution, and win eco-friendly prizes! Each monthly challenge will focus on a specific climate action category on the platform. We will randomly select 3 participants to receive prizes at the end of each month, and your chance of winning all depends on how many actions you complete within that month!

The monthly challenge schedule is in the table below:

Month climate action category  prizes 
July Transportation (Shift Your Ride) (3) Transportation Kits (BayWheels Bikeshare Pass + Bike Bell)
August Energy (Clean Energy Home, Be Energy Smart)
(3) Energy Kits (Solar Power Bank + LED Lightbulbs)
September Food & Waste (Eat Green & Waste Less)
(3) Food & Waste Kits (Water Bottle + Battery Bin)

 How to Get Started:

  1. Complete the Interest Form to enroll in the Summer Challenges.
  2. Sign up on San José Climate Smart Challenge to make your free account and complete your household energy profile.
  3. Each month, complete as many climate actions on the platform as you can for the monthly topic. You earn one entry ticket for every action you take.
  4. Take pictures of the actions you take and share them with the Climate Smart Challenge community. Or, talk about your experience by posting a message on an action’s message board. You can earn an additional entry for every photo, video, or message you post on the platform.
  5. At the end of each monthly challenge, emails will be sent to participants to recognize high achievers and announce prize winners. If you participate in the entire 3-month series, you will receive a certificate of recognition from the City.

Please be sure to mark your actions as complete on the platform by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of each month. We will then choose the 3 lucky winners and will be in contact by email to notify you. Let the Climate Smart Summer Challenge begin!

For questions, please reach out via email