Climate Smart Data Dashboard

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You can track our progress towards meeting Climate Smart goals through key indicators related to Energy, Water, Mobility, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Jobs*. If you’re on a computer, click on one of the indicators in the left navigation bar to start exploring the data. If you’re on a mobile device, start exploring by clicking on the blue bar above that says “Jump to Subpage” and then on one of the indicator names. 

You can also learn about Climate Smart San José’s nine key strategies, our bold goals, and what you can do to help

If you have any questions or comments about the data on the Climate Smart Data Dashboard, email us at


*We are not tracking progress on five indicators in the Climate Smart San José plan due to a lack of needed data: Complete Streets, ZNE Homes, All-Electric Homes, Reduced Car Dependency, and ZNE Commercial Buildings. We will add these indicators to the Climate Smart Data Dashboard if relevant data become available.