Recycling & Organics Regulations

It's the Law!

One of the most significant benefits of the Commercial Solid Waste System is that all businesses in San José have the opportunity to be compliant with AB 341 (state-mandated recycling), AB 1826 (state-mandated organics recycling), and SB 1383 (state-mandated organics collection). Most material collected by Republic Services is processed locally at the Newby Island Resource Recovery Park, Zero Waste Energy Development (ZWED), or Z-Best Composting Facility. Recyclable material is separated by type and sold to recycled-content manufacturers. Commercial food waste and other organic material processed at the ZWED anaerobic digestion facility.

Mandatory Commercial Recycling (Plastics, Paper, Metal, Glass, etc.)
Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (Food Scraps & Yard Trimmings)
Customer Access to Recycling
California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy

 SB 1383 Requirements for Businesses 

Diverting Organics
Food Recovery

San Jose’s Mandatory Minimum Service Levels

In response to more stringent state recycling laws, the City of San José amended its Municipal Code to enforce requirements and ensure jurisdictional compliance. The new code (9.10.1380) specifies that all commercial waste generators shall subscribe to collection services that include containers for solid waste, recyclable materials and organic material. This aligns with the Wet, Dry and Customized system. Failure to comply with these minimum service levels may result in a citation.