If you own a business in the City of San José, you must divert organics from the landfill by:
- Subscribing to and participating in Wet service via Republic Services or following one of the alternative approaches options listed below.
- Provide collection bins (aka “receptacles”) for organics to employees, contractors, tenants, and customers where garbage receptacles are present, except in restrooms.
- Ensure access to an adequate number, size, and location of containers with proper labels or color-coding.
- Proper labeling of all containers showing which materials can and cannot go inside.
- Require employees place organic waste in the proper receptacles and/or containers.
- Annually educate employees, contractors, tenants, and customers about proper sorting and recovery requirements for organic waste.
- Information must be provided to new tenants within 14 days of occupancy.
- Periodically inspect receptacles and/or containers for prohibited items
For more information, including a complete list of all SB 1383 requirements for businesses and institutions review the SB 1383 Business Checklist available in English, Español, Tiếng Việt, and 中文.
If you need to add Wet service to become compliant, please contact Republic Services by calling (408) 432-1234 or via email at SanJoseRecyclingTeam@republicservices.com to speak with a Sustainability Advisor.
Beginning January 2024, City of San José’s environmental inspectors will conduct visits to businesses in San José to ensure compliance with the San José Municipal Code and SB 1383 requirements.
Alternative Approaches
Businesses that do not want to subscribe to Wet services through Republic Services do have alternative options, such as:
- Visiting Republic Services website for adjusting container size or service level or call Republic Services at 408-432-1234
- Sharing containers / carts with their neighbors (ex., one business pays for non-Dry and Customized while the neighboring business pays for Wet collection, and the two agree on how best to divide the cost)
- Self-hauling or back-hauling wet organic waste (see self-hauling requirements below)
- Donating surplus edible food to Santa Clara Food Recovery Program
- Donating usable items to a local shelter or organization
- Replacing disposable dishware with reusables
- On-site composting
- Community composting
Please contact City staff at ZeroWaste@sanjoseca.gov if you have questions about alternatives.
Those who self-haul commercial waste must either source-separate or haul commingled waste to a high diversion organic waste processing facility. Additionally, self-haulers must comply with the following record retention (five years) requirements:
- Delivery receipts and weight tickets from each entity receiving organic materials, including the amount of organic material in cubic yards or tons.
- If the organic waste is transported to a site that does not have scales or that employs scales incapable of weighing the waste received, the self-hauler is not required to record the weight of material. However, the self-hauler must maintain a record of the entity that received the organic waste.
Please contact the San José Environmental Services Department at WasteEnforcement@sanjoseca.gov to learn more about what a business is required to do to self-haul their waste.
Mixed-Use Developments
If you are in a mixed-use development that has more than 15% square feet of commercial space, you are likely treated as a commercial business by the City of San José and thus must abide by the requirements on businesses under SB 1383. Mixed-use developments with less than 15% square feet of commercial space are likely treated as a residential customer.