Public Comment History

Below are the list of public comments we received in our most recent public engagement effort, focusing on Project HOPE communities. The City shared its privacy practices with residents and discussed technologies currently in use or planned for future use (presentation here). City learned residents' thoughts on the technologies and recommendations on where to place them. Technologies included: 

  1. Gunshot Detection: In use, protocol (guide on how City can use it) on website
  2. Red Light Running Cameras: In use, protocol on website 
  3. People Counter Cameras: In use, protocol on website
  4. Speeding Cameras: Not in use, protocol in progress 
  5. Drones: In use by Police and Fire Departments, policies linked here: Police, Fire. Protocol for additional departments in progress.
  6. Automated License Plate Readers: In use, protocol on website

Map of recommended locations for each technology

This map shows where residents recommended the City place sensing technology. This is not a map of where the technology is present, only where it was requested. 

Note: some technologies were not discussed in the meeting, but residents still requested them, such as speed bumps. 



Comments from: hoffman Neighborhood Association Meeting

January 25, 2023

 Technology  Concerns
Red Light Running Cameras Que no funcionen bien y quer no sirven
Red Light Running Cameras Me preocupa q las puedan hackear y agan mal uso de ello
People-counting Cameras The technology can be used wrongly and will allow for more controlling of citizens

Comments from: Poco way Neighborhood Association Meeting

February 9, 2023

 Technology  Likes
Speeding Cameras Safer Community
Speeding Cameras Kids will be able to walk safer
Speeding Cameras Its better to have cameras than dones
Speeding Cameras Porke estarianos mas seguros
Speeding Cameras Para que no haya otropeyados
Speeding Cameras Para que no haya tanto carro que se pase la luz - me gusta
Speeding Cameras Me gustaria esta tecnolojia para evitar axidentes
Drones Ke kedetectan todo
Drones That we could see what's happening or we could also get helicopters
Drones Me gusta la technologis con los drones por la investigacion
Gunshot Detection Could be beneficial andother kind of stuff.
Gunshot Detection Peace of mind
Gunshot Detection Safer Communities
Gunshot Detection Yes it will be beneficial in the pocoway area
Gunshot Detection Asi la gente pensaria mas las cosas de los disparos
Gunshot Detection Por King - Story hay muchos restaurantes
Red Light Running Cameras That this is a great idea because so kids and people will be safer
Red Light Running Cameras Traffic will be more controlled
Red Light Running Cameras More Safety
Red Light Running Cameras Que asi la va a pensar la gente encruzar la luz en rojo
Red Light Running Cameras This is a great idea
Red Light Running Cameras Kids will be safer
Red Light Running Cameras People will be more aware of safety
People-counting cameras Could caught the crime and what people are doing.
People-counting cameras Better Services
People-counting cameras Prevent crime


 Technology  Concerns
Speeding Cameras Technology efforts
Speeding Cameras Multas
Drones Privacy issues
Drones Some Privacy issues and some people don't really like it.
Drones Multas
Drones La Privacidad
Gunshot Detection False information
Red Light Running Cameras Also that people could pay attention to the red light because some popele are on their phones and theyre not paying attention so they could possibly get ran over
Red Light Running Cameras Multas
Red Light Running Cameras High fines
Red Light Running Cameras But what worries me is that people getting ran over?
People-counting Cameras Lack of feeling safe "freedom"
People-counting Cameras No because it will take our privacy away
People-counting Cameras Lack of trust

Comments from: Roundtable Neighborhood Association Meeting

February 15, 2023

 Technology  Likes
Gunshot Detection Es buena opcion
Speeding Cameras Si me gusta sobre las camaras pero tambien me precupa la identida de la persona
Speeding Cameras Nos gustaria que pusieran topes para la belosidad
Speeding Cameras topes para seguridad de las personas que caminan y por los ninos de la escuela
Speeding Cameras nos puede ayudar abajar abajar la velocidad sobre todo por los ninos
Drones Buena idea me gusta
Drones Que pongun cameras en la route Roundtable DR
Drones es buena idea. Muy buena obcion


 Technology  Concerns
Speeding Cameras la ceguridad de nuestras identidades


Comments from: McLaughlin Neighborhood Association Meeting

February 16, 2023

 Technology Likes
Speeding Cameras Aqui nesecitamos de eso. Ay tanto peligo
Speeding Cameras Sume importante para que conduscam con la decuada mente
Speeding Cameras Children will be safer as they walk to school
Speeding Cameras Esta bien porque puede reducir choques
Speeding Cameras Etelente para que tomemos precaucion
Speeding Cameras Me gusta porque los conductores no respectan la luz y aveces cruzan ninos y no se fijan
Speeding Cameras Son necesaria para la seguridad de todos desde ninos hasta personas mayores
Speeding Cameras Esta muy bien ya avian tardado enselente
Speeding Cameras Es muy importante para la seguridad de todos
Speeding Cameras Me gustanian las camaras para checar la velocidad y tambien para cuando se roban los carros
Speeding Cameras Me gusta porque uitimamente hay mucha gente que maneja en exceso de velocidad
Drones Me gusta porque avisarian mas rapido para emergencia
Drones Es una buena idea de usar drones y asi poder tener mas seguridas
Drones Esta muy bien por que es mas barato
Drones Pues que es mas rapido es el
Drones Es bueno porque asi pueden prevenir tragedias
Drones Platica mejor es mas rapido se tiene la imformacion
Drones Es una great opcion y economic se puede haorrar dinero
Drones Drones are good because it will decrease the risk of emergency services getting hurt
Drones Que mi comunidad estubiera mas segura con esta technologia y seira mucho venecio para la comunidad en economia
Drones Me gustaria para que alga mas seguridad para la comunidad
Drones Es algo muy bueno para ahorrar dinero y se puede tener visilancia con mas drones
Red Light Running Cameras Es bueno porque aveces la gente maneja mas de lo permitido
Red Light Running Cameras Pues muy bien por que mucha jente maneja recio
Red Light Running Cameras Red lights will reduce crashing
Red Light Running Cameras Me gusta porque cheque mas por que manejan muy resio
Red Light Running Cameras Buena idea para que las personas que manejan esten mas atento a las velocidades. Asi evitar accidente
Red Light Running Cameras Me gusta porwue van a manejar con mas precaucion
Red Light Running Cameras Me esto porque los carros pasen muy recio
Red Light Running Cameras great to avoid and prevent accidents
Red Light Running Cameras Es muy buena opcion, porque haci va ser mas facil detenes a los ladrones de carro
Gunshot Detection Pues que la policia ya ba estar alerta
Gunshot Detection Esta muy bien las camaras para esta mas seguros
Gunshot Detection Me encanta que lo pongan porque en esta area se ve mucha inseguridad
Gunshot Detection Me gusta porque ultimamente ya hay mucha inseguridad
Gunshot Detection Es buena idea porque cuando haya un incidente pueden venir rapido para evitar mas violencia
Gunshot Detection Es muy importante que tuvieranos el dectector de disparos por seguridad de todos
Gunshot Detection Porque es muy importante puesto que hay peleas entre pandillas o discusiones entre familias
Gunshot Detection Si es importante tener aqui en santee
Gunshot Detection Safer communities
Gunshot Detection Que si ayga las camaras para nuestra seguridad


 Technology  Concerns
Speeding Cameras When a person gets a citation, will there be a max of citations before next steps or what does the citation process look like?
Drones Privacy, drones being reliable. Effective ccommunication from drone to response team
Red Light Running Cameras Que sea totalmente seguro y que no haya errores
Gunshot detection Pilot programs don't always stay and due to the cost is the technology cost sustainable for long run?


 Comments from: Cadillac/Winchester Neighborhood Association Meeting

March 9, 2023

 Technology Likes
Drones Like how it provides protection to the community


 Technology  Concerns
Speeding Cameras Banderas P / Cruces en la escuela rosemary Remarcar las lineas de cruce de peatones


Comments from: Washington/Guadalupe Neighborhood Association Meeting

March 14, 2023

 Technology  Likes
Speeding Cameras Usually gets people to slow down before they violate the speed limit
Speeding Cameras Seria bueno para ayudar para que no hayan accidentes
Speeding Cameras Would these be only stationary or is it possible the could be mobile depending on need?
Speeding Cameras Yes speed cameras (All through --> virgina st, 1st between Harliss Locust, Virgina between willow st
Red Light Running Cameras Yes!!! - Almaden + Virginia
Red Light Running Cameras Prevention would be XLNT
Red Light Running Cameras Yes but nothing other than red lights
Red Light Running Cameras Hopefuly prevents red light running
Gunshot Detection A great possible safety tool with immediate response
Gunshot Detection Yes - Gunshot Detection (Union Ave - Almaden - 1st St, Alley Hais between locust + Almaden)
Gunshot Detection Yes- Gunshot Detection (Almaden between oak-through Diane St)
Gunshot Detection No issue with their technology please implement in high need neighborhoods.
Gunshot Detection Puede ayudar a la comunidad que tiene miedo reportar
 Technology  Concerns
Drones If only for emergency use, great. But not for crime prevention.
Drones Do not want for survelence
Drones Okay if they're kept to genuine fires, floods. Mass shooting
Drones During the pandemic the chinese gov used drones to enforce pandemic protocals by spying on citizens. I would be worried this could happen here
Drones Only for designated use of critical conditions for other forms of surveilence
Speeding Cameras Could be used to violate privacy
Speeding Cameras survellience abuse
Speeding Cameras Prefer speed bumps, not cameras
Red Light Running Cameras

Possible privacy violations


Comments from: Welch Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

April 3, 2023

 Technology  Likes
Red Light Running Cameras Safety for the students infront/near the highschool
Red Light Running Cameras On Cunningham perferably, b/c teenagers and adults sometimes don't care abt the safey of the children
Red Light Running Cameras Busy area (tully+king) often see cars going through red lights
Gunshot Detection To keep our communinity safe from irresponsible use of firearms
Gunshot Detection It will identift who has a gun and prevent shootings
Speeding Cameras To prevent speeding or busy walkways for neighbors/pedestrians
Speeding Cameras Cunningham Ave Overfelt High School
Speeding Cameras Waverly and Mendota
 Technology  Concerns
Gunshot Detection May identify fire crackers or falsely accuse folks
Speeding Cameras Santiago Ave
Speeding Cameras Meyen, Overfelt H.S. area and all other schools