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HIGH SPEED RAIL updates in san jose district 2
In 2019, the High Speed Rail Agency published their Preferred Alternatives for the San José to Merced segment of their project, which includes the project's 21 miles through San José. Learn more about the High-Speed Rail Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative.
On Tuesday, August 20, 2019 the City Council approved several significant memoranda that I co-authored with the Mayor and several colleagues regarding the rail corridor and High Speed Rail in our community. Together, we communicated the following City Council position to California High Speed Rail (HSR) staff and the Authority Board:
- That the City's support for the project depends upon the California High Speed Rail Authority's willingness to integrate a feasible alternative alignment recommended by the Diridon Integrated Station Concept (DISC) Plan planning process into a supplemental environmental impact statement and environmental impact report.
- In addition, High Speed Rail (HSR) must fully grade-separate train and vehicular/pedestrian traffic at key San José locations, including Auzerais, West Virginia, Branham, Skyway, and Chynoweth. Direct staff to formally submit the final results and analysis of the City's Feasibility Study on grade separations to HSR, and continue to build on this work through the Rail Corridor Planning process.
We will continue to affirm the City's role in advocating for grade separations, infrastructure improvements, and a development plan that mitigates unfavorable impacts to the neighborhoods and residents along the Monterey Corridor and affected communities.
To read our co-authored High-Speed Rail Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative memorandum (8/20/2019), please view the memorandum, presentation, and supporting documents here.
To read our Rail Corridor Plan for San José and Inter-Agency Agreement memorandum (8/20/2019), please visit the City's website.
The City of San José is working with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain), the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), and the California High Speed Rail (HSR) Authority, Altamont Corridor Express (ACE), Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (Capitol Corridor), and the City of Santa Clara on a Rail Corridor Plan for San Jose and the South Bay. This is a comprehensive, long-range planning effort that will include the appropriate mitigations, like grade separations, to improve safety and protect the quality of life of neighborhoods surrounding the Monterey Corridor.
The City of San José is working with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain), the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), and the California High Speed Rail (HSR) Authority, Altamont Corridor Express (ACE), Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (Capitol Corridor), and the City of Santa Clara on a Rail Corridor Plan for San Jose and the South Bay. This is a comprehensive, long-range planning effort that will include the appropriate mitigations, like grade separations, to improve safety and protect the quality of life of neighborhoods surrounding the Monterey Corridor.
In addition, we are enhancing the Rail Corridor Plan with a Multimodal Transportation Improvement Plan, which will improve the mobility, connectivity, and access to the revitalized rail stations and make the Monterey Corridor more attractive to pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.
For the latest information, visit the High Speed Rail website, sign-up for their newsletter and updates, or contact the agency at (800) 455-8166 or
For the latest information, visit the High Speed Rail website, sign-up for their newsletter and updates, or contact the agency at (800) 455-8166 or