City of San José
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Environmental Review
The environmental review process seeks to identify any environmental impacts associated with a proposed project and to provide this information to the public and decision-makers for their consideration and comment. The most common areas of environmental impact include wildlife, vegetation, water quality, archaeological resources, and traffic circulation.
If significant impacts are identified, these must be reduced or mitigated as possible. A number of City policies and procedures provide a basis for determining impacts and a means for insuring that such impacts are mitigated.
The City's Role in Environmental Review
The City's Environmental Clearance Ordinance (San José Municipal Code Title 21) specifies how environmental review is carried out. Typically City staff prepare the appropriate environmental document — either an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Negative Declaration (ND).
David Keyon, Principal Planner, (408) 535-7898
David oversees the Environmental Review team and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP).
Tina Garg, Supervising Environmental Planner, (408) 535-7895
Cassandra oversees the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) clearances for the entitlement process, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan Coordination, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) Compliance, and geotesting clearance.
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