Infrastructure Maintenance Job Duties

Associate Engineer Job Descriptions

Sanitary & Storm Sewer Maintenance

The Sanitary & Storm Sewer Engineering Section plays a critical role in the maintenance of approximately 2,300 miles of sanitary sewer mains and 1,000 miles of storm sewer mains citywide. The section is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and reporting all Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) to regulatory agencies, ensuring compliance with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits, providing engineering support to maintenance staff; managing open purchase order contracts, reviewing civil construction plans by developers and DPW to ensure proper sanitary and storm sewer standards are followed and to mitigate any potential maintenance issues in the future, and coordinating multidisciplinary efforts between other City departments and other stakeholders relating to the sanitary and storm sewer system. Key duties include but are not limited to:

  • Oversee the maintenance of the City’s sanitary sewer system, Waste Discharge Requirements, and Monitoring and Reporting Program.
  • Develop and prioritize sanitary and storm sewer improvement projects and coordinate their implementation with DPW and the Environmental Services Department (ESD).
  • Respond to residents, business owners, and other constituents regarding sanitary and storm sewer issues and make recommendations that most efficiently resolve the concerns.
  • Review civil construction plans for both sanitary and storm sewer systems, ensuring the new infrastructure optimizes future maintenance.
  • Assist maintenance staff by providing engineering support to address and resolve technical issues in the field.
  • Establish service contracts and administer their implementation.

The Engineering Technician I/IIs in the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Engineering section of the Infrastructure Maintenance division typically perform the following specialized functions:

  • Follows safe practices in investigating Sanitary-storm infrastructure failures.
  • Performs considerable independent data collection; takes pictures and performs measurements at sewer locations, calculating water volumes, and reporting potential problems.
  • Calculates volumes of trash, debris, and other obstructions which hinder the performance of the sewer system.

Pavement/Bridge/ADA Curb Ramps Engineering & Management

Pavement/Bridge/ADA Curb Ramps Engineering plays a critical role in the maintenance and rehabilitation of approximately 2,500 (30-ft equivalent) miles of pavement, overseeing the maintenance of approximately 250 bridges, and over 29,000 ADA curb ramps citywide. The focus of this position is to manage, maintain and report on the City’s ADA curb ramp program; plan, procure, and project manage multiple CIP projects annually, and assist in developing the overall division budget. Key duties include but are not limited to:

  •  Manage and maintain the City’s ADA curb ramps request program.
  • Respond to residents regarding ADA curb ramp issues and complaints and make recommendations as to how best to resolve the problems in the most efficient manner.
  • Provide technical input for ADA curb ramp upgrades and be the lead liaison with other regional/state/federal organizations including following up on new PROWAG requirements.
  • Manage multiple construction projects (ranging from $700 thousand to over $1 million in construction cost), master agreements, open purchase orders, procure request for proposals/qualifications, inter-agency agreements and grant projects; administer projects during procurement, implementation and close out phases.
  • Manage the City’s ADA curb ramp asset management software and provide technical support and trainings to engineers and inspectors.
  • Prepare annual ADA curb ramps report showing the number of ramp-related upgrades and expenditure citywide.
  • Manage, track and report on project budget financing and planning.
  • Develop and update project specifications and quality control/quality assurance requirements for ADA curb ramp infrastructure.
  • Develop a plan to upgrade the City’s remaining sidewalks to full accessibility by 2038.
  • Develop a long-term maintenance plan for ADA curb ramps that maximizes the available budget while meeting the division’s goals and benefits the community.
  • Investigate and implement new and innovative concrete/curb ramp technologies (e.g., new types of equipment, materials, and processes, etc.); oversee the full technical evaluation of various infrastructure preservation strategies for City streets.
  • Supervise and mentor assistant engineers, engineering technicians, and trainees.