RPP Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the City moving to an online and virtual permit system?
Is the online system and the virtual permit program upgrade complete?
What is a virtual permit?
Which RPP zones are active?
How will I know when the RPP I live in will be activated?
I am a renter/tenant living in an RPP zone. How will I be notified when it is my turn to apply for a permit?
How do I apply for a residential parking permit?
What if I do not have access to the internet or I am not comfortable with using online systems?
What payment options will be available when purchasing permits?
I have a disabled placard or license plate issued by the California DMV. Do I also need a residential parking permit when parking in RPP zones?
How will virtual guest permits work?
Will service providers (PG&E, Plumber, Cable/Internet, FedEx/UPS/USPS, etc.) be able to park in a RPP zone without a guest permit in order to service my home?
When will enforcement start in my zone?
How can I (and my guests) avoid receiving a parking citation?
What if I have a loaner vehicle or a rental car?
How do I generate and use a QR code for virtual guest permits?
How do I unlock or lock one or multiple virtual guest permits?