Mt. Pleasant Safety Project

Project Description

This project will improve safety conditions for all walkers, rollers, and bike riders. These safety improvements will also help to increase walking, rolling, and biking within 1/3 mile radius of seven schools. Therefore, these methods of transportation can help reduce vehicle emissions.

The Mt. Pleasant Safety Project includes the following improvements:

  • Installation of missing sidewalk section along Mt. Pleasant Road
  • Improvement of pavement markings and signage
  • Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB), curb extension, and refuge median island at Oakton Court and Ocala Avenue
  • Curb extensions at Rocky Mountain Drive and Mt Pleasant Road
  • Five new bicycle racks
  • 50 ADA wheelchair ramps


The Mt. Pleasant Safety Project is funded by the Vehicle Emissions Reductions Based at Schools (VERBS) Program. VERBS is focused on reducing greenhouse gases by promoting walking, rolling, and biking. They also strive to reduce traffic-related injuries and deaths. The prevention of traffic injuries and deaths ensures that walking, rolling, and biking are safe alternatives to driving.