City of San José
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Transportation Planning
We plan for San José’s future transportation needs, ensuring all our projects all live up to our department’s priorities of safety and access for all types of transportation on our streets
- Better Bike Plan: The Better Bike Plan helps to create a more bike-friendly San José. It focuses on developing new bikeways, making existing bikeways safer, and applying bike-oriented programs and policies.
- Complete Streets Design Standards and Guidelines: Provide guidance and best practices for developers and the City to build streets that safety accommodate walkers, bikers, and transit takers in addition to vehicle drivers.
- Downtown Transportation Plan: San José’s Downtown Transportation Plan is identifying, focusing efforts on, and advancing the big transportation moves that will help shape the desired future of downtown.
- Emerging Mobility Action Plan: We strive to make innovative mobility services and technologies available to marginalized communities across San José.
- Guadalupe River Trail Bike Connections Plan: This plan will improve trail connectivity by making surrounding street routes safer and more accessible.
- King Road Complete Streets Plan: This plan strives to make King Road, from Berryessa Road to East Capitol Expressway, more walk-, roll-, bike-, and transit-friendly.
- Move San José: This plan will lay out a set of strategies to bring the bold transportation goals of Envision 2040 San José General Plan and Climate Smart San José to life.
- Multimodal Transportation Improvement Plans: These plans will add detail to several Urban Village Plans’ transportation priorities. They will result in prioritized lists of transportation improvements that can then be designed and built.
- Berryessa BART MTIP
- East San José MTIP (En Movimiento)
- North San José MTIP (Connect North San José)
- West San José MTIP
- Walk Safe San José: A pedestrian safety plan to encourage more walking, biking, and taking public transit. This plan focuses on council districts 3, 5, 6, and 7. These districts have seen the most traffic fatalities and severe injuries.
Planning Tools
- Our Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Evaluation Tool helps developers and planners understand the environmental impact of the vehicle trips generated by projects.
- The Transit First Toolkit is a guide to help city staff select appropriate technology and infrastructure to achieve our Transit First policy goals.
- Download the San José Transportation Analysis Handbook for guidance on preparation of transportation analysis reports for development projects, transportation projects, and General Plan amendments.