Meeting Purpose: To describe the applicant’s proposed project, the City’s review process, and to obtain community input on the project located at 470 West San Carlos Street. Comments, concerns, and questions raised at this meeting will become part of the public record and will help inform the project’s design as it moves forward in the review process. There are continued opportunities throughout the permit process to publicly comment on the project as illustrated in the permit process chart on page 4 of this Agenda.
Proposed project{s): General Plan Amendment (File No. GP19-012), Conforming Rezone (File No. C19-042), Conditional Use Permit (File No. CP20-019), and Tentative Map (File No. T20-020) to allow the following scope of work on an existing 0.90 gross acre site within the Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP):
- General Plan Amendment from Residential Neighborhood to Downtown
- Conforming Rezone from LI and R-2 to Downtown
- The demolition of existing structures and the construction of a new residential care facility (six stories) with a total of 116 assisted living units, 49 memory-care units with no age restrictions, and 4 affordable housing units with associated staff parking, landscaping, and amenities
- The consolidation of seven lots into one lot
If you have questions regarding the project or this meeting, please contact one of the following people: