Meeting Purpose: To describe the proposed project, the environmental review and planning process, and obtain community input on the project and issues to be discussed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) analysis. Public input on the scope of the EIR is encouraged so that the review addresses all relevant environmental issues. The Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR is available for review online in the EIR Library of the City of San Jose’s Planning Division web site:
Project Location: 250, 260, 276, and 280 Hospital Parkway; 1275 International Circle
Proposed Project:
- PDC23-006: Rezoning a 39.2-acre site from the A(PD) Planned Development Zoning District to a new A(PD) Planned Development Zoning District to increase the development capacity and modify the development standards.
- PD23-002: Planned Development Permit to allow the demolition of the existing 250,000-square-foot hospital located at 250 Hospital Parkway, the removal of 57 ordinance-size trees and 72 non-ordinance size trees, and the construction of a 302-bed, six-story, 685,000-square-foot hospital including a basement and a new energy center/service yard on an 8.45-acre site, and a five to six-level parking structure on a 2.46-gross acre site. The project also includes extended construction hours from 7 PM to 7 AM for certain period of time. The existing hospital would continue to function at full capacity while the new hospital is under construction.