Zoom Webinar Link: https://sanjoseca.zoom.us/j/96512880204
Meeting ID: 965 1288 0204
Meeting Purpose: To describe the proposed project, the City’s review process, and to obtain community input on the residential project located at 2470 Alvin Avenue. Comments, concerns, and questions raised at this meeting will become part of the public record and will help inform the project’s design as it moves forward in the review process. There are continued opportunities throughout the permit process to publicly comment on the project as illustrated in the permit process chart below.
Proposed project: File No. H23-031, to allow the demolition of an existing approximately 13,275-square-foot medical office building for the construction of an eight-story mixed-use building consisting of 138 multifamily residential units and approximately 4,992 square feet of commercial retail space on an approximately 0.93-gross-acre site. This project was submitted under the Housing Accountability Act (Builder’s Remedy).
For questions, contact:
Alec Atienza: alec.atienza@sanjoseca.gov | (408) 535-7688
Jason Lee: jason.lee@sanjoseca.gov | (408) 535-3887
Kara Hawkins: kara.hawkins@sanjoseca.gov | (408) 535-7852
Jeffrey Current: jeff@studiocurrent.com