City of San José
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Teleconferencing Requirements
- The teleconference location must be accessible to the public;
- The teleconference location must be listed on the agenda, including a full address and room number, as may be applicable (for security and privacy, a public hotel location, like a business center is recommended);
- The agenda must be posted at the teleconference location for 72 hours prior to the meeting;
- Members of the public must be allowed to attend and speak at the teleconference location;
- At least a quorum must participate from locations within incorporated City of San José;
- All votes must be by roll call; and
- Teleconferencing Commissioner must complete and submit the Affidavit (linked below) to their Commission Secretary.
Commissioner Affidavit and Agenda Posting Requirements at Teleconference Location
- The Commissioner must follow the rules above and coordinate with hotel staff in advance if needed (e.g., if the Commissioner will not be at the hotel 72 hours in advance, the agenda still must be posted at their teleconference location).
- The Commissioner shall notify the Commission Secretary of proposed teleconferencing at least one business day in advance of the 72-hour deadline. If the agenda is not updated at least 72 hours before the meeting, teleconferencing will not be allowed under State law.
- The Commissioner needs to provide the completed and signed Affidavit to their Commission Secretary before the meeting.
Affidavit for Teleconferenced Meetings
Commission Secretary Responsibilities
- Work with your Commission Attorney to ensure that teleconferencing language on your agenda is correct.
- The signed Affidavit should be filed with the Commission Secretary's original packet (i.e. kept in official meeting records, but need not be posted online with the agenda packet).