City of San José
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Mobility: Homes Near Transit
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Why is this a Climate Smart indicator?
Homes located near transit make it easier for people to get around without driving. This helps reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. It also reduces traffic, air and stormwater pollution and crashes.
One of our Bold Goals is to reduce the number of drive-alone commute trips to only 40 percent of all commute trips by 2040. This is only achievable if other ways of commuting, such as public transit, become more common.
What is the City doing to make progress on this indicator?
BART Silicon Valley Phase I (began service in 2020)
Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan (approved 5/25/21)
Parking and Transportation Demand Management Ordinance update to eliminate parking minimums, making it easier for developers to build new housing (adopted 12/6/22, effective 4/10/23)
In Progress/Ongoing
Advance long-range transit projects that serve growth areas by developing plans and implementing them in conjunction with the VTA and other cities
Promote Transit Oriented Developments (TOD) through implementation of the Envision San José 2040 General Plan and urban village plans
Partner with regional agencies on regional transportation solutions
Develop the Diridon Integrated Station Concept plan with regional partners
Facilitate the development of Downtown West, a massive new mixed-use corporate campus within the Diridon Station Area
BART Silicon Valley Route Phase II (expected 2029-2030)
About the data
Data on residential properties (location, number of units, year built) come from the Santa Clara County Tax Assessor’s Office.
Transit stop locations include both existing transit stops based on General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data and transit stops that are planned as part of Plan Bay Area 2050. High quality transit stops are defined as those where wait time is less than 16 minutes in the morning and night time.
Total number of dwelling units in the city are from California Department of Finance’s Demographics Unit (Table E-5).
The County Tax Assessor dataset is missing some needed data for a small percentage of properties. These properties were excluded.
Numbers for 2012-2021 are based on 2022 transit stop locations, which are likely slightly different from transit stop locations in previous years.
Last updated
August 2023