AI Reviews & Inventory

AI governance for San José

The City of San José is leveraging the benefits of AI to improve the delivery of services to residents. As the City increasingly uses AI tools, it is more important than ever to ensure that those AI systems are effective and trustworthy. See the City's AI HandbookWatch the City discuss their implementation of AI accountability.

What is "AI", what is an algorithm?

AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence", or the idea of having a machine do something you would expect a human to do. AI is built by people creating "algorithms", which combine math and logical rules to handle tasks like translating languages (e.g., Google translate) and understanding your voice (e.g., Siri on Apple phones). By reviewing these algorithms, the Digital Privacy Office (DPO) ensures that the City's AI-powered technology acquisitions perform accurately, minimize bias, and are reliable.1

San José AI Principles

The City follows eight guiding principles in its approach to AI.

  1. Effectiveness: Systems are reliable, meet their objectives, and deliver precise and dependable outcomes for the utility and contexts in which they are deployed;
  2. Transparency: The purpose and use of systems is proactively communicated and disclosed to the public. A system, its data sources, operational model, and policies that govern its use are understandable and documented;
  3. Equity: Systems deliberately support equitable outcomes for everyone. Bias in systems is effectively managed with the intention of reducing harm for anyone impacted by the system’s use;
  4. Accountability: Roles and responsibilities govern the deployment and maintenance of systems, and human oversight ensures adherence to relevant laws and regulations;
  5. Human-Centered Design: Systems are developed and deployed with a human-centered approach that evaluates AI powered services for their impact on the public;
  6. Privacy: Privacy is preserved in all AI systems by safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) and sensitive data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and manipulation in accordance with the City Council’s Digital Privacy Policy;
  7. Security & Safety: Systems maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability through safeguards in accordance with the City’s Information and Systems Security Policy. The integrity of information into and out of the City is maintained in light of fake AI-generated content. Implementation of systems is reliable and safe, minimizing risks to individuals, society, and the environment; and
  8. Workforce Empowerment: Staff are empowered to use AI in their roles through education, training, and collaborations that promote participation and opportunity.

AI Review Framework

When a City department wishes to procure an AI tool, the DPO follows the review process below to assess the benefits and risks of the AI system. 

230905 AI Review Framework Diagram

Working with Vendors

When the City wishes to procure an AI system to improve service delivery, the DPO and procuring department work with vendors to ensure that the system is effective and trustworthy. As part of an effort to strengthen transparency, the DPO is piloting a process to work with vendors to complete a Vendor AI FactSheet that contains basic facts about the AI system, such as the data used to build the system and what conditions it performs well under. The Vendor AI FactSheet enables the DPO to better understand the technical details of the AI system and ultimately assess the risks and benefits it presents. 

You can find the Vendor AI FactSheet template online. The Vendor AI FactSheet template is heavily inspired by the IBM Research AI FactSheets 360 project.

As the DPO continues to review AI systems, completed Vendor AI FactSheets and additional documentation will be added to this webpage in the section below.

AI Inventory

An AI Inventory is an important transparency mechanism that enables the City of San José to meaningfully communicate the AI systems that it uses to its residents. In January 2023, the DPO began maintaining an AI Inventory in an effort to increase transparency of the technological tools used by the City. 

Below is a working inventory of the AI systems currently in use by the City of San José. For each catalogued system, you can find a basic description of its function and additional technical details collected in the Vendor AI FactSheet. 

The DPO will update the AI Inventory with additional entries as more AI reviews are completed. 

Google AutoML Translation

City staff use the Google AutoML Translation tool to translate customer messages in the San José 311 non-emergency helpline (SJ311) service. SJ311 can be accessed via phone, online, and through the SJ311 mobile application. City staff can customize the system to their specific needs by training the system on sentence pairs in English, Vietnamese, and Spanish.

DPO Review - Google AutoML
Vendor AI FactSheet - Google AutoML
AIA Form - Google AutoML


LYT.transit Transit Signal Priority System

The Department of Technology oversees the Central Transit Signal Priority project, which provides signal priority for VTA bus routes 66 & 68 for all intersections along the route within City of San José jurisdiction. The project uses the “LYT.transit” system to implement transit signal priority. Transit signal priority gives buses priority at an intersection and creates less idle time waiting for a green light. The LYT.transit system tracks transit vehicles in real-time and communicates with downstream intersections to optimize signal timing, reducing transit vehicle travel time.

DPO Review - LYT.transit
Vendor AI FactSheet - LYT.transit
AIA Form - LYT.transit


Zabble Waste Contaminant Identification System

City staff use the Zabble Waste Contaminant Identification System to measure the fullness and contents of trash cans. The system aims to make it faster to identify waste content and aggregate insights across inspections.

DPO Review - Zabble
Vendor AI FactSheet - Zabble

Wordly Real-time AI translation and speech-to-text

The City is using an automated translation system to support translation in live meetings, such as City Council meetings. Wordly allows the City to provide translated text and speech between more than 40 languages including Spanish, Vietnamese, English, Tagalog, and Mandarin. The system will integrate with Zoom and other meeting software so residents can use familiar tools (e.g., Zoom) to the translations in real-time.

DPO Review - Wordly
AI Factsheet - Wordly
AIA Form - Wordly


Traffic technology supported by AI

The City uses AI systems to support traffic safety in two main ways:

  1. Collecting data on traffic conditions, such as the number of cars passing an intersection, number of people walking through a crosswalk, and number of near-incidents (e.g., a car almost hitting a pedestrian)
  2. Supporting traffic enforcement and criminal investigations, typically using cameras that can read license plates.

You can see how these systems are used and reports on their accuracy on the Data Usage Protocols page. See the following technology:

  1. Automated License Plate Readers
  2. Vision-based traffic data collection and safety analytics device using artificial intelligence 
  3. Red Light Running Cameras
  4. Road safety detection pilot

Additional Algorithmic Systems

People counter cameras at parks, trails, and community centers
Anonymized Foot Traffic Data
Gunshot Detection System


  1. For our purposes, we use “artificial intelligence” and “algorithmic system” interchangeably. The City defines an algorithmic system to be any system, software, or process that automatically generates outputs including, but not limited to, predictions, recommendations, or decisions that augment or replace human decision-making.