Meeting Purpose: To describe the applicant’s proposed request, the City’s review process, and to obtain community input on the proposed request located at the Easterly Terminus of Pecten Ct (APN 092-08-016), near Montague Expwy and I-680.
Comments, concerns, and questions raised at this meeting will become part of the public record and will help inform the project’s design as it moves forward in the review process. There are continued opportunities throughout the permit process to publicly comment on the proposed request as illustrated in the process chart below.
Proposed request: Proposed General Plan Amendment File No. GP22-001 to change the 2040 General Plan Land Use/Transportation Diagram designation from Public/Quasi Public (PQP) to Heavy Industrial (HI) and File No. C22-014 a Conforming Conventional Rezoning from R-1-8 Residence District (8DU/Acre) to Heavy Industrial (HI)on a 3.6-gross acre site. This is a dirt lot that does not yet have an address. All other parcels on Pecten Court have existing industrial uses and are within the City of Milpitas including the adjacent sites to the north and west, with Interstate 680 to the east, and a gravel access road to the south with single-family homes to the south on Lakewood Drive. No demolition, construction, landscaping, or other site improvements have been proposed at this time.
Staff Review: Staff have completed an initial review of the proposed land use amendment request and found it to be consistent with Envision San José 2040 General Plan Major Strategies, goals, and policies.
If you have questions regarding the project or this meeting, please contact one of the following people: