Valley Title Commercial Project

FILE NOS: H21-012/ER21-026

The 2.8-acre project site is currently developed with a three-story office building, surface parking lot, and parking kiosk structure. The project proposes to demolish the existing buildings and surface parking lot and construct a 20-story commercial building within two towers with a five-level below grading parking garage (2,804 parking spaces). The building would have up to 1,319,340 square feet of office uses and up to 60,430 square feet of retail and community serving uses on the ground floor. As an option, the project applicant is considering including a bridge on levels 10 through 12 that would connect the two towers and include 15,900 square feet of additional office space, for a total of 1,335,240 square feet of office uses. A total of 35,821 square feet of outdoor space would be provided in the form of landscaped terraces at the ground floor and levels three and five, as well as balconies on levels two through 20. If the bridge option is selected, an additional 7,950 square feet of outdoor space would be provided at level 12 on the roof of the bridge.


345 South 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95113


467-46-080, 467-46-081, and 467-46-082

Public Hearings

The Project and its Final SEIR will go to Director's Hearing on Wednesday, September 28th at 9:00am. The meeting will be held virtually over Zoom. Additional information on the agenda and instructions for joining the Zoom meeting will be posted on the following webpage:!/



  • A joint community and environmental public scoping meeting for this project was held on Monday, August 16, 2021
  • Public circulation of the EIR ran from April 22, 2022 to June 6, 2022

    Please note that "Appendix G - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment" is not included in the documents below as the file is too large to upload. To review Appendix G, please contact Kara Hawkins at and a link to the file will be sent over email.


Kara Hawkins