RWF Cogeneration Project

File No. PP14-005 

The Project would include the installation of up to four natural gas/biogas fired reciprocating engines (up to 12.5 MW total for three of the four engines operating at any one time). The proposed engines would meet or exceed Achieved in Practice emissions standards maintained by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). The proposed engines would be housed in a new, 36,300 square foot (330 feet x 110 feet) Cogeneration Building that would be constructed within the Project area near Zanker Road. The Cogeneration Building would be constructed as a high-bay concrete design, with a height similar to the existing Blower Generation Building. The proposed Cogeneration Building would also include four new stacks for air emissions. The stacks would be 24 inches in diameter and would reach to approximately 40 feet in height, which is the same height as the existing stack for the adjacent Blower Generation Building.


The Facility is located at the southern end of the San Francisco Bay within the northernmost portion of the City of San José, immediately north of State Route 237, west of Interstate 880 (700 Los Esteros Road, APN: 015-31-024). (Council District: 4)

Circulation Period

4/11/2014 - 5/12/2014

Project Documents

File No. PP16-009 Boilers and Chillers Replacement

The following project is an Addendum to the San Jose/Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility Cogeneration Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration.

The Project would include the installation of up to four natural gas/biogas fired reciprocating engines (up to 12.5 MW total for three of the four operating at any one time) at the San José/Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (Facility). The proposed engines would meet or exceed Achieved in Practice emissions standards maintained by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). The proposed engines would be housed in a new, 36,300 square foot (330 feet x 110 feet) Cogeneration Building that would be constructed within the Facility operational boundary near Zanker Road. The Cogeneration Building would be constructed as a high-bay concrete design, with a height similar to the existing Blower Generation Building. The proposed Cogeneration Building would also include four new stacks for air emissions. The stacks would be 24 inches in diameter and would reach to approximately 40 feet in height, which is the same height as the existing stack for the adjacent Blower Generation Building.

This Project would provide the necessary infrastructure to support construction activity for the Plant Master Plan CIPs across the San José/Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (Facility) site. It would include Facility access improvements, security, worker parking, contractor trailer and laydown areas, and future construction management space requirements.

Circulation Period

4/01/2016 - 4/15/2016

Project Documents

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