797 S. Almaden Avenue Mixed Use Project

FILE NOS: H21-013/ER22-151

The proposed project would demolish all existing on-site structures and construct a new six-story, mixed-use building, composed of 2,315 square feet (sf) of community-serving commercial uses on the ground floor and 99 rapid rehousing or permanent supportive housing units for formerly homeless individuals and/or families on the second through sixth floors. The residences would be comprised of 30 studio units, 24 one-bedroom units, 25 two-bedroom units, and 20 three-bedroom units. A two-bedroom unit would be reserved for an on-site manager. The proposed units would be reserved for households earning 30 to 60 percent of the area median income for Santa Clara County, comprised of 25 permanent supportive housing units, 41 extremely low-income units, and 32 low-income units.

The proposed project would also include a number of ground-floor and second-floor amenities. On the building’s ground floor, the project would consist of a total of 1,892 sf of on-site resident support services, a community room, office space for the building property manager and lobby/reception staff, and the aforementioned commercial space. Exterior amenities would include 3,297 sf of common open space to the north of the proposed building, including a rubberized surface play area with a play structure, picnic tables, benches, a non-gas barbecue with a sink and counter, and landscaping trees and shrubs. In addition, the second floor would feature 2,958 sf of vegetated common open space, featuring built-in benches, shade trees, shrubs, and vines. A shared laundry room would be located on the second floor.

Primary site access would be provided by W. Virginia Street. The ground floor of the building would include a parking garage to accommodate 92 vehicles. Among the total parking spaces, the proposed project would include 10 electric vehicle (EV) charging spaces and another 19 EV-ready spaces. Another 2,250 sf of surface parking space would be located north of the building, which would provide four spaces compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Two long-term bike storage areas would be provided, in which a total of 127 bicycles could be parked, as well as a bike rack for short-term parking. The existing sidewalks would be maintained along the eastern and southern boundaries of the site, parallel to S. Almaden Avenue and W. Virginia Street to provide pedestrian access.


797 South Almaden Avenue, immediately northwest of the S. Almaden Avenue/W. Virginia Street intersection in the City of San José


264-34-042, -043, -044, -045, and -046


August 16, 2023 - August 31, 2023



This project is being reviewed under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) because the applicant anticipates the use of federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds in the form of Project-based Vouchers.  The public review period for this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Notice of Request for Release of Funds (RROF) under HUD's NEPA regulations is 15 days.

The project is exempt from CEQA review because it qualified for ministerial review under AB2162 as a 100% affordable project with supportive services.

General Note: 

To find and apply for affordable housing, please see the City's Housing Department webpage here.


Reema Mahamood