Downtown Strategy 2040

FILE NO. pp15-102

As a public project, the City proposes an update of the Downtown Strategy 2000 and Environmental Impact Report to be consistent with the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan, including an increase in the amount of new commercial office and residential development capacity and revised development phasing to extend the horizon (buildout) year to 2040. The proposed Downtown Strategy 2040 will increase the amount of new commercial office by an additional three (3) million sq. ft. (approx. 10,000 jobs) to be transferred from other areas of the City consistent with the General Plan 4-Year Review recommendations. The new total for commercial office development would be 14.2 million sq. ft. by the year 2040. The residential capacity of Downtown would be increased by up to 4,000 additional units, from 10,360 units in the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan up to 14,360 units. The amount of new retail development (1.4 million sq. ft.) and hotel room (3,600 rooms) capacities of the Downtown Strategy 2000 would be maintained. 

This update will also explore other proposed changes to the 2040 General Plan and Downtown Strategy, including a minor expansion of the Downtown area boundary to include two blocks on the east side of N. 4th Street between Julian Street and St. John Street, the designation of opportunity sites with a new Employment Priority Area Overlay to prioritize more intense commercial and office uses near the proposed Downtown BART station, and other related General Plan text amendments and land use designation changes to reflect the updated Downtown Strategy.


PROJECT Addendums

Diridon Station Area Plan Amendment Addendum to the Downtown Strategy 2040 EIR