SJC Airport Master Plan Update

FILE NO. PP18-103

Amendment to the Mineta San Jose International Airport Master Plan 
Amendment to the Airport Master Plan to 1) extend the horizon year and demand forecasts from 2027 to 2037; 2) incorporate the set of airfield configuration changes recommended in the Runway Incursion Mitigation/Design Standards Analysis Study; and 3) update the layout and sizing of various landside facilities to adequately serve the projected 2037 demand.


Mineta San José International Airport, generally bounded by U.S. 101 to the north, the Guadalupe River and State Route 87 to the east, Interstate 880 to the south, and Coleman Avenue and De la Cruz Boulevard to the west. 



The Airport Master Plan for San Jose International consists of a program of facility improvements designed to adequately accommodate projected aviation demand (passenger, cargo, and general aviation), with development phased as demand warrants and as determined to be financially feasible. 

The Airport Master Plan was originally adopted by the City of San Jose in June 1997 and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in December 1999. It has been subsequently updated through a series of City-approved amendments. The Airport Master Plan currently extends to the year 2027. The Master Plan development program includes approximately 70 specific improvement projects.

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David Keyon
(408) 535-7898