McEvoy Affordable Housing Project

FILE NOS: GP17-015, C18-034, SP18-059, T19-017

A General Plan Amendment to amend the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Land Use/transportation Diagram designation from Mixed Use Commercial to Transit Residential, a conforming Rezoning from the HI Heavy Industrial Zoning District to the R-M Multiple-Residence Zoning District, and a tentative map to  merge and reconfigure six of the parcels (APNs 261-38-001, -004, -030, -047, -048 and -049) into three. A Special Use Permit to demolish two buildings totaling approximately 11,380 square feet, remove three (3) ordinance sized trees, and construct a 100-percent affordable housing (excluding the managers' units) project with 365 affordable, multi-family residential units with two towers with an alternative parking arrangement, back-up generator, and up to 12.5-foot tall retaining wall on a 1.13-acre portion of the 1.22-acre site. One building (Family Building) is an approximately 194,246-square foot, 13-story building with a rooftop garden, and the second building (Workforce Building) is approximately 150,082-square feet and 13-stories with a rooftop garden. A State Density Bonus is requested including a 29-percent increase in density and waivers to increase in building height; reduce the required setbacks along McEvoy Street and Dupont Street, and reduce the amount of required motorcycle parking. 


The 1.22-acre project site is comprised of seven contiguous parcels located at 280 McEvoy Street; north of the West San Carlos Street bridge ramp between McEvoy Street and Dupont Street.


261-38-001, -004, -005, -030, -047, -048, and -049 


Hearing Date

The project will be heard before the Planning Commission on January 29, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at Council Chambers, 200 E. Santa Clara Street.

The project will be heard before the City Council on February 12, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at Council Chambers, 200 E. Santa Clara Street.


Reema Mahamood